Specific project registrations


Besides standard cancer registration, the WBCR online application also offers the possibility of participating in a number of specific project registrations. These projects are conducted in the field of Quality of Care. Participation is not compulsory, but does offer an added value to research in the fight against cancer. Registration also allows the variation in the treatments given and outcome of the patient to be registered. These numbers can be used to optimise the treatment strategy and the related outcome for the patient.


The application offers you the choice of directly combining the project-specific registration with the statutory compulsory cancer registration or to enter it at a time that is more convenient for you.

The project-specific registrations must be completed using the project-specific modules available on the WBCR's home page.


Please contact the WBCR helpdesk for more information about these projects. You can reach it by telephone at 02/250 10 10 or by mail via info@kankerregister.org

You can participate in the following registration projects:




